About Elisabet Bloom

Registered Physio Therapist, Berlin 1970

Bobath certified, Zürich, Switzerland 1973

Graduated Care Teacher, Malmö Sweden 1982

Feldenkrais practitioner Stockholm 1, Sweden 1989

Feldenkrais Trainer Stockholm, Sweden 1995

Author since 1990

Founder of
Elisabet Bloom Approach, Somatic Education 1983®

It has led me to a somewhat different way of working and an education concept according to Elisabet Bloom Approach Somatic Education

I am trained as a physiotherapist in Berlin, Germany, and started working in 1970.

In 1973 I trained in the Bobath method and worked with children with special needs for six years. But unfortunately, the controlled health system in Sweden did not give me any freedom to develop the Bobath method.

Therefore, I went on to train as a care teacher to start teaching at Educational Institutions for Physiotherapy. But, even there, I was met with a system of rules that did not offer much free thinking.

In 1985, I had the opportunity to attend a workshop on the Feldenkrais method and saw the fantastic potential that one can, through movements, develop one's free thinking.

In 1986, Yochanan Rywerant came to Stockholm to start his first Feldenkrais Education. His first group became pioneers not only in Sweden but in the world.

The Feldenkrais Method was unknown in Sweden at that time, and the only possibility to introduce The Feldenkrais Method was the word of mouth information. Therefore, people who have not received help in the healthcare system began to contact me through various sources.

It turned out to be complicated cases with physical and mental problems, often a result of trauma.

I began to understand how trauma affects humans due to bodily tensions, how it leads to a "locking" of the body, and how this affects the body mentally. Then it became clear to me that the Feldenkrais method was a method for body and mind that has come to be called Somatic Education.

In 1995, Yochanan Rywerant also completed my training as a Trainer.

In 1999, I started a Somatic education, encouraged by Yochanan Rywerant.

Yochanan Rywerant gave us after our training Trainer posts (memorandum) about the theory and practice behind the method.

Before my first Somatic education in Berlin in 1999, I had to put into words and supplement the memorandum Rywerant gave us.

I then decided to use the text from a book on the Feldenkrais method. "The Feldenkrais Method according to Elisabet Bloom." 

To also explain the manipulons Yochanan Rywerant taught us, I put together 17 lesson examples.

The book was published in Swedish in 2008, and in German in 2010 and has been substantially reworked before the English edition, which is under production.

Since 1999, I have completed 17 Somatic educations in Sweden, Germany and Russia according to Yochanan Rywerant's concept.

I also teach introductions and advanced trainings in Germany, Israel, Norway, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, and for Feldenkrais practitioners curious about Rywerant's approach.

The process of teaching, thinking, and writing has immersed me in my development as a Trainer.

I started experimenting individually and in groups, among other things, to learn more about the significance of Weber Fechner's law and its connection with antigravitation action patterns in our daily lives. It can lead to security, less stress, increased awareness, and a changed self-image.